Welcome to EoN...

Welcome to EoN, which stands for Eye On Nation.

EoN is a webMagazine which serves as a platform for the staff and pupils of Zhenghua Secondary School to post articles and/or comments about school activities and/or issues pertaining to National Education, Social Studies, History and even Geography! We hope to raise the level of awareness and encourage active citizenship among our staff and pupils through this initiative.

Join us on this journey. It may be long and tedious, but good company expedites the process and lessens the load. =)

Looking forward to your comments and active participation!

Mrs Sharon Tan

Friday, March 5, 2010

More photos of Total Defence Activities in Zhenghua Sec

Down with Complacency. Ready with Alertness to Defend!

Headline reads: Patrols stepped up over threat to Malacca Strait shipping

Photo taken from this website:

ZSS Total Defence Activities Initiated & Implemented by the Sec 4 and 5 Pupils

Thank you, PSG!
<4 PSG members came down to man the store.
2 parents shared their own parents' WWII stories with us.>

Lucky Draw!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Discussion Point - Chilean Earthquake

Chile Earthquake (8.8 on the Richter magnitude scale) vs. Haiti earthquake (7.9)
Youtube Video [1]
Youtube Video [2]
Discussion Point:

1) How do you feel about the Chilean disaster?

2) If you wish to help, what do you think you can do and how can you go about helping?
- Did you know that Chile is the YOG participating country that Zhenghua Sec Sch is twinned with?
- More information on the Chilean disaster and general information about Chile will be given in your CME-NE lesson.
- Did you also know that our school is raising funds to assist the Chilean disaster victims? Do your part and donate!

3) Reflecting on natural disasters happening in Chile and other disaster-prone countries, how do you feel about living in Singapore?

4) There are obviously problems that need to be solved (as seen in the video clip). What do you think the government needs to do at this stage and in the future?
- You may wish to consider the psychological and physical impact of the earthquake and tsunami on the Chileans as well as on their neighbours.

Harmonious Living

Harmonious Living

Touching Lives in Vietnam, 5 June 2008

Global Food Crisis (4m 2secs)

How does it affect Singapore? How should we respond to such global challenges?

World Food Crisis (7m 52secs)

How does it affect Singapore? How should we respond to such global challenges?